Full PlasmidSeq / Long PCRSeq

Microsynth's state-of-the-art long read sequencing service for whole plasmids and PCR products up to 50 kb in 1.5 ml tubes.

Both prepaid and non-prepaid cyan labels can be registered here. For more details on how to prepare your samples, please refer to our user guide.
Full PlasmidSeq / Long PCRSeq

Microsynth's state-of-the-art long read sequencing service for whole plasmids and PCR products up to 50 kb in plates.

Samples with non-prepaid cyan labels can be registered here. For more details on how to prepare your samples, please see our user guide

BacterialSeq is Microsynth’s state-of-the-art long-read sequencing service for bacterial and other genomes (BACs, DNA viruses) up to 12 Mb, with optional add-on services including DNA isolation, polishing, and variant analysis.

You can use non-prepaid cyan labels (Full PlasmidSeq) to label and register your samples.
For detailed sample preparation instructions, please refer to our User Guide.
BacterialSeq including Isolation

BacterialSeq is Microsynth’s state-of-the-art long-read sequencing service for bacterial and other genomes (BACs, DNA viruses) up to 12 Mb, with optional add-on services including DNA isolation, polishing, and variant analysis.

You can use non-prepaid cyan labels (Full PlasmidSeq) to label and register your samples.
For detailed sample preparation instructions, please refer to our User Guide.
nanoCORE Amplicon Metagenomics

Microsynth’s state-of-the-art long read one stop service for Marker (600bp – 5kb) based community analysis.
For more details on how to prepare your samples, please refer to our user guide.
Custom ONT Project

Microsynth offers several services using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing platforms.
For services other than depicted on this page please use this form.
Quote Number

If you do not provide a quotation number, your samples will be processed according to our standard protocol for variety testing.

Samples will be processed with the next available deadline if they arrive before either June 15th or September 15th.

CC Email Address:

Enter addtional email addresses to receive a copy of the test results.

Separte addresses with commas.

How to Proceed:
Step 1: Use a standard Excel sheet
Step 2: Define sample names in column A (≤ 35 characters)
Step 3: Define corresponding primer names in column B (≤ 35 characters). Optional for primer source Premixed
Step 4: Copy/paste sample and primer names into the foreseen window
Step 5: Press the "Vertical Import" button if you want to import your date in a vertical manner (A1, B1, C1, etc.) or "Horizontal Import" in case you prefer a horizontal arrangement of your data on the plate (A1, A2, A3, etc.)


Important Remark
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? < > | # Tabulator.
How to Proceed:
Step 1: Use a standard Excel sheet
Step 2: Optional: Put label numbers in column A.
If you use label numbers, then the colums below are shifted to the right by one column.
Step 3: Define sample names in column A (≤ 35 characters)
Step 4: Define corresponding primer names in column B (≤ 35 characters).
Optional for primer source Premixed
Please see also Standard Primers or Customer Primer Management for possible primer names.
Step 5: Define corresponding primer sources in column C
Please use only one of the following terms: Premixed, Standard, Enclosed, Custom, Order, Design.
The primer source "Premixed" is only available for certain Dna Types.
Step 6: Define corresponding primer sequences in column D (Required only for Order Now primers)
Step 7: Copy/paste sample and primer names into the foreseen window
Step 8: Press the "Import" button

Example Example with label numbers

Important Remark
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? < > | # Tabulator.
How to Proceed:
Step 1: Use a standard Excel sheet
Step 2: Define sample names in column A (≤ 35 characters)
Step 3: Define corresponding primer names in column B (≤ 35 characters).
Optional for primer source Premixed
Please see also Standard Primers or Customer Primer Management for possible primer names.
Step 4: Define corresponding primer sources in column C
Please use only one of the following terms: Standard, Enclosed, Custom, Order, Design.
Step 5: Define corresponding primer sequences in column D (Required only for Order Now primers)
Step 6: Copy/paste sample and primer names into the foreseen window
Step 7: Press the "Import" button


Important Remark
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? < > | # Tabulator.
How to Proceed:
Step 1: Use a standard Excel sheet
Step 2: Optional: Put label numbers in column A.
Step 3: Define sample names in the next column (A or B).
Not more than 35 characters.
Step 4: Copy/paste sample names into the foreseen window
Step 5: Press the "Import" button

Example Example with label numbers

Important Remark
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? < > | # Tabulator.
How to Proceed:
Step 1: Choose an oligo from your list of Favorites in the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Press "Add" to add the chosen oligo to your order.
DNA Oligo Scales

Please find more info on our web pages Scale Info.

RNA Oligo Scales

Please find more info on our web pages Scale Info.

Oligo Purification

Please find more info on our web pages Purification Info.

Technical Datasheet and Different Types of Certificate of Analysis (CoA)

On our technical datasheet, you find information regarding your ordered oligos like oligo name, oligo ID, nucleotide sequence, modifications, length, synthesis scale, molecular weight, melting point, the amount in OD, nmol and µg and the information with how much water you need to dissolve the dried oligo to obtain a 100 µM solution.

The technical datasheet does not meet your requirements?
For an extra charge, we do offer different types of CoAs for a higher level of documentation. Our standard CoA (Type 1) contains the following information:

Further to the standard CoA are the following types of CoA's available:

Type Description
1 Certificate of Analysis (complete)
2 CoA without declaration of oligonucleotide stability
3 CoA without MALDI-TOF
4 CoA without analytical HPLC
5 only Maldi-TOF spectra
6 only HPLC
7 CoA for ASO or PTO oligos (complete)

You need a customized CoA? Please get in contact with us.

How to Proceed:
Step 1: Use a standard Excel sheet
Step 2: Define oligo names in column A (≤ 35 characters)
Step 3: Define corresponding oligo sequences in column B
Step 4: Click on "Copy/paste"
Step 5: Copy/paste the oligo data from Excel into the foreseen window and press OK


Important Remark
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? < > | # Tabulator.
Premixed Primer
Primer added by customer.
Standard Primer List
Primer added by Microsynth AG. Select your sequencing primer from a list of 94 standard primers which are stored at Microsynth AG (primarily for plasmids).
Enclosed in Separate Tube
Primer added by Microsynth AG. Customer ships primer and DNA in separate tubes to Microsynth AG.
Custom Primer List
Primer added by Microsynth AG. If you know that a primer will be used frequently in future orders, send us a larger volume of this primer (at least 50μl) and add it to your custom primer list. Your primer will be stored for 10 months at Microsynth AG. The primer name will be automatically deleted from this list after 10 months or if the primer has been used up.
Order Now
Primer added by Microsynth AG. Via this option you can order a new sequencing primer during the order process. While your sample is on the way to Microsynth AG, we synthesize this primer, and it will be available for sequencing. The primer will also be added to your custom primer list for future use.
Design at Microsynth AG
Primer added by Microsynth AG. This option is similar to "Order Now". In addition to primer synthesis Microsynth AG performs also the primer design. You just have to provide us with a sequence of 50 - 200 bases by email.
Max length 36 chars.
Max length 100 chars.
Max length 150 chars.
Max length 250 chars.
Please mark this checkbox only if you know that your sample contains GC-rich sequences or hairpins.
Full PlasmidSeq is suitable for sequencing constructs ranging from 0.5 kB to 50 kB, with the ideal size for plasmids being 2.5 to 25 kB and for PCR fragments being 1 to 25 kB.
If you have larger constructs to sequence, please feel free to contact us.
To ensure good sequencing results please aim for a concentration of 20 ng/ul (measured by fluorescence, not UV 260).
Please note that with the current approach, the ends of PCR fragments may not be fully resolved, resulting in a loss of approximately 10-50 bases at each end.
Overview about Your Custom Primer List
NameSequenceReceived AtExpires At

This pop up window gives you an overview about your current custom primer list. If you want to modify your custom primer list, leave this order form and go to Primer Management.

cannot be offered within a punchout session, because the final price calculation depends on the samples you are turning in.
To order this service, you need to open the Microsynth AG webshop directly at the link below. This will end the current punchout session:
Standard webshop
or call us at:
+41 71 722 8333
The Microsynth Offer Number:
The Microsynth offer number is no longer needed.
Specific "QTN-..." offers for oligo and Sanger label orders can be found in the Quotes list - from where they must be released.
The link to the quotes list is also located in the header area of this webshop.
The prices of the "SQ-..." offers will be automatically applied to your account.

Either way, the displayed prices are binding.

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